Monday, March 10, 2014

          I was telling one of my friends about the things that happened to me in the year 1984. We had a really deep conversation and I could tell that he was actually being a good friend because he was paying attention. In 1984, he lived in another country and he lived a better life, so when I told him about the life I lived, he was shocked. I remember his exact words “What?! Wow! Your life could be a book!” And I thought to myself that he is right, it could. If my life were a book, I would want the audience to really get the message I’m trying to get across. I would want the audience to question and wonder about the government, like I did. I want them to know that they have a voice, that that is their weapon. The government can control you and the way you think, but you shouldn't let it happen. Don’t think that the way you live is as good as it is going to get, you can always make things better. My life is better now than it was before, I’m finally free. People want power only to get more. I want people to learn from my mistakes and not let the government brainwash you.I actually wrote a book about my life. George Orwell is just a pseudonym of Winston Smith.

Monday, March 3, 2014


It is the 21st century and I still remember the year 1984 as if it was not too long ago. Some frequently asked questions I get a lot is “Would you consider yourself a republican or democratic?” I cannot just answer this with one single word. I consider myself a little bit of both, I’m in between. Democratic people lay more on the government than republicans.
Now, if you know me personally, you would think I’m totally against the government because of how it was organized in 1984. I was tortured and brainwashed, and the government made me think whatever they wanted. They interrogated me in a way that isn’t human kind. They made me say that 2+2=5 and I actually believed it, even though I knew deep down inside that 2+2=4.

Anyways, if I really had to choose, I would lie more towards a republican. Why? Because I want less government interference, I want the people to be more independent. Many people think that all republicans are against gay marriage and all about religion, but that’s not like me. I only consider myself a bit republican, not fully. I also consider myself democratic because like I said I’m not against gay marriage and abortions. I do rely somewhat on the government and I do believe in people’s rights. But really, I mainly consider myself a citizen that can question the government. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Government Spying

I was working at my job, as I came across an article on government spying in America. Click here to read it. It really caught my attention as soon as I read the title"The Government Is Spying On Us Through Our Computers, Phones, Cars, Buses, Streetlights, At Airports And On The Street, Via Mobile Scanners And Drones, Through Our Smart Meters, And In Many Other Ways". I tried to keep my face expressionless so that no one will suspect me doing thoughtcrime. This so called country "America", does seem to have more freedom than us. But, nevertheless their privacy is still invaded. Americans have these gadgets called "cell phones", it seems to be some sort of thing to communicate with and can also be used for entertainment. Anyways, by just using your phone, the government can track you. It's almost as if they had a GPS on them. How messed up is that? The government can also see what you have researched online. I just hope that Big Brother doesn't get any ideas from this. Although, if i had to choose between Oceania and America, I would choose to live in America. It also says that their government can spy on them through their electronics' webcam or microphone. It reminds me of a telescreen. It disgusts me how corrupted governments are now a days. What has the world become? Our privacy should not be invaded! It's called private for a reason. Seems to be that the government spies on the citizens whether or not they are a developed country.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Do I HATE Julia?

Two Minutes Hate, its purpose is for Party members to express their hate towards enemies of Oceania, mainly towards Emmanuel Goldstein. I can't help but jump in the bandwagon and hate him too. Later I realize that my hate is more towards Big Brother.
 It was during Hate Week that I first actually acknowledged O'Brien and the beautiful girl I’m having love affairs with, Julia. I HATED Julia. It is prohibited for the citizens of Oceania to have a sexual encounter unless your intentions are to have a kid that will serve as a Party member. I hated Julia because she was sexless. I wanted her. But, I've come to realize that she isn't a stuck up obedient spy, she isn't a citizen that fully worships Big Brother. My feelings towards her are mutual, as it says in her note.

"Love You Note Suprstar -" Love You Note Suprstar - N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

  Of course we aren't able to have sex for pleasure anywhere. Why? Because BIG BROTHER IS ALWAYS WATCHING. Is the purpose for all the posters with Big Brother on them supposed to make me feel protected and secure? Because that’s certainly not the case. My privacy feels invaded, I feel overwhelmed. So that’s why I found a place where there are no telescreens, the room I rented. I am aware of my rebellious acts. It does worry me that I will be captured and tortured, possibly even killed. I know it’s for the best if we just stopped, but we can’t. This urge to be with her is too strong. She is my reason to keep living. So I say DOWN WITH BIG BROTH-


Hello, welcome to my blog. I am aware of performing thoughtcrime, it's not the first time though. I had kept my journal entries in my diary, just for myself. But, I believe there are others who are also against the Party. I can't be the only one. Either way, it is only a matter of time before I get caught. It will happen sooner or later. If you didn't already know, I forgot to mention my name is Winston Smith. I am 39 years old, and I work for the Ministry of Truth. I censorship records and information. God, I feel so guilty for doing this. It's overwhelming, but I cannot help it. It's frightening.