Monday, March 10, 2014

          I was telling one of my friends about the things that happened to me in the year 1984. We had a really deep conversation and I could tell that he was actually being a good friend because he was paying attention. In 1984, he lived in another country and he lived a better life, so when I told him about the life I lived, he was shocked. I remember his exact words “What?! Wow! Your life could be a book!” And I thought to myself that he is right, it could. If my life were a book, I would want the audience to really get the message I’m trying to get across. I would want the audience to question and wonder about the government, like I did. I want them to know that they have a voice, that that is their weapon. The government can control you and the way you think, but you shouldn't let it happen. Don’t think that the way you live is as good as it is going to get, you can always make things better. My life is better now than it was before, I’m finally free. People want power only to get more. I want people to learn from my mistakes and not let the government brainwash you.I actually wrote a book about my life. George Orwell is just a pseudonym of Winston Smith.


  1. Winston, what happened to you i the year 1984 was for you own good. I get that there has been a new enforcement of leadership but the things you are stating are just absurd! The government can never control the way you think, it is always up to yourself to determine what you are feeling. The government does however influence what you think but never is our influence so great that we have complete control over it. The way you live is not determined by you, the leaders are in charge of that for they are the ones who run everyone and everything. So never should anyone EVER try and take control over something they do not have power over. People want power to help other people, and make lives better for them. This will only help to create a better world. So please do not confuse others with these false and misleading statements.

  2. I know our feelings for each other are gone, but I want you to know that I'm happy for you. I'm glad you decided to share this experience with someone else because it deserves to be shared. Being in Oceania, help me change my whole perspective of any form of government. I begin to question what their purpose is but, I still would get caught by the Thought Police. I try not to think about you and I try not to disobey Big Brother but, its very difficult for me. I still preach about the Junior Anti-Sex League and this time I'm going to practice it. I miss you and yes the telescreens are watching so, I have to go.
