Friday, February 28, 2014

Government Spying

I was working at my job, as I came across an article on government spying in America. Click here to read it. It really caught my attention as soon as I read the title"The Government Is Spying On Us Through Our Computers, Phones, Cars, Buses, Streetlights, At Airports And On The Street, Via Mobile Scanners And Drones, Through Our Smart Meters, And In Many Other Ways". I tried to keep my face expressionless so that no one will suspect me doing thoughtcrime. This so called country "America", does seem to have more freedom than us. But, nevertheless their privacy is still invaded. Americans have these gadgets called "cell phones", it seems to be some sort of thing to communicate with and can also be used for entertainment. Anyways, by just using your phone, the government can track you. It's almost as if they had a GPS on them. How messed up is that? The government can also see what you have researched online. I just hope that Big Brother doesn't get any ideas from this. Although, if i had to choose between Oceania and America, I would choose to live in America. It also says that their government can spy on them through their electronics' webcam or microphone. It reminds me of a telescreen. It disgusts me how corrupted governments are now a days. What has the world become? Our privacy should not be invaded! It's called private for a reason. Seems to be that the government spies on the citizens whether or not they are a developed country.


  1. “Privacy” is a word that does not even exist in Oceania. If all citizens continue to have angelic thoughts that are in favor of the principles of INGSOC then there is no need for “privacy”. We all share the same thoughts and views meaning that we have nothing to hide from each other. Only thought-criminals need privacy. They need privacy to hide their devilish thoughts which will only lead to negative consequences in the future because evil thoughts lead to evil actions. In order to prevent this from happening to our citizens, we ban privacy altogether. With this said, we do not “invade” your privacy. We simply protect you from it. And what better way to do this than watch over you in order to ensure that you don’t make any future mistakes that will lead to a negative outcome. I wouldn’t so much call it spying. Instead I'd say, beneficial surveillance. And the only person being benefited here is you, Winston. I mean think about it, is America really free? I mean, sure they have access to ways of communication with others but that will only lead to the conspiracy of an interaction that will later on get them imprisoned or even worse, vaporized. So yes, the party and I watch over you. And it may seem like the people of America have more freedom. But you are really the lucky ones here because you don’t ever have to worry about being punished for thought-crime or any other illegal acts against the party and I. Think about this the next time you say you’d rather “live in America” or how your “privacy should not be invaded.”

  2. You are right! I feel the same way! I know I act as though I'm not interested in the Party and the government but, I do have an opinion on this particular topic. The government in both countries seem to be the same except America has more technology. After reading the article about the government, I notice that the government is full of spies that control citizens by advertising their technology to have people buy them in America. This proves how messed up this world really is. Privacy should have been kept between us, instead there was a hidden telescreens and we were captured. They just don't understand what privacy is. I would love to live in America because of their freedom and how you are able to love who you want and be with them without consequences. No more having to hide in order to be together or feel like we're in prison with telescreens watching our every move. I'm tired of feeling like a human robot in Oceania being controlled by someone I don't even know exist. In America, I also know that you're not always free. What I'm really trying to say is, I would love to live in America, but not if I feel the same way living there as I do here.
