Monday, February 24, 2014

Do I HATE Julia?

Two Minutes Hate, its purpose is for Party members to express their hate towards enemies of Oceania, mainly towards Emmanuel Goldstein. I can't help but jump in the bandwagon and hate him too. Later I realize that my hate is more towards Big Brother.
 It was during Hate Week that I first actually acknowledged O'Brien and the beautiful girl I’m having love affairs with, Julia. I HATED Julia. It is prohibited for the citizens of Oceania to have a sexual encounter unless your intentions are to have a kid that will serve as a Party member. I hated Julia because she was sexless. I wanted her. But, I've come to realize that she isn't a stuck up obedient spy, she isn't a citizen that fully worships Big Brother. My feelings towards her are mutual, as it says in her note.

"Love You Note Suprstar -" Love You Note Suprstar - N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

  Of course we aren't able to have sex for pleasure anywhere. Why? Because BIG BROTHER IS ALWAYS WATCHING. Is the purpose for all the posters with Big Brother on them supposed to make me feel protected and secure? Because that’s certainly not the case. My privacy feels invaded, I feel overwhelmed. So that’s why I found a place where there are no telescreens, the room I rented. I am aware of my rebellious acts. It does worry me that I will be captured and tortured, possibly even killed. I know it’s for the best if we just stopped, but we can’t. This urge to be with her is too strong. She is my reason to keep living. So I say DOWN WITH BIG BROTH-


  1. I will start of by saying this, the sole purpose of the two minutes hate is not only to express hate towards enemies of Oceania, but also to show you love and affect towards I, big brother. This is during the end of course. So Winston, you expressing hate towards Goldstein is simply you expressing your hate for Goldstein. It is not me that you hate.Instead, it is Goldstein because he is the reason for the laws set up in Oceania today. If it weren’t for his rebellion, maybe you and Julia would be able to have sex for pleasure and even have kids just for the fun of it. But this would only lead to a world full of violence due to lack of leaders and supervision. A completely horrible world. And that’s not what you want now, is it Winston? My pictures are posted up to make you feel safe and secure and if you do not feel this way then it is simply you not allowing yourself to love me as you leader. But don’t worry, for you will soon be captured, and cured.

  2. I'm glad I am the reason you keep living. Winston, I really do love you. When I first saw you, I knew I wanted to be with you. You're right about how we may get caught and tortured because of our rebellion but, as long as we don't betray each other, that's all that matters. As far as hating Big Brother, I understand and I hate him too. I ultimately know we will soon get caught but, my feelings toward you are so strong its unbearable. It seems that Big Brother will "capture and cure" you, I'm afraid that that will be the case. I'm scared for you and I'm scared for myself, but I don't want to separate myself from you, I can't.
